Baltar eventually develops a genuine detector.He luckily exposes Aaron Doral as a Cylon agent ( TRS: " Miniseries"), using little more than invented technobabble to convince Colonel Tigh. Baltar is put to work trying to devise a means of detecting these humanoid Cylons.He cannot be sure whether this is a result of his own guilt at his actions or whether - as she initially claims - she is part of a chip that has been implanted in his brain. Baltar is plagued by visions of Number Six that only he can see and hear.

#Galaxy fighters baltard code
Baltar's two-year affair with the mysterious woman- even to the extent of using code she herself wrote to overcome shortfalls in his CNP - allowed her unrestricted access to some of the most sensitive systems of the Colonial defenses.As a result of his lesser (although still advanced) computer programming skills, he seeks the help (and as a byproduct, the affections of) a young woman to aid him with the CNP. Baltar's scientific prowess seems strongest in the medical and biological fields ( TRS: " Epiphanies").It's shown that he was somewhat aware of what she was doing, but he did it for her, not the company she supposedly worked for, as he truly fell for her after she helped his father out. When she rewrote the code, she got it up to 95% efficiency but also put in back doors to allow the Cylons to "shut-down" space craft fitted with the CNP. Baltar becomes responsible for the design of the critical Command Navigation Program ( CNP) used throughout the Colonial Fleet, but could not fix all of its shortfalls himself and asked his lover ( Number Six) to fix almost half of the base code.However, Baltar is also extremely arrogant. He is very charismatic, and became personal friends with President Richard Adar.He was formerly a lead defense systems developer working for the Colonial Ministry of Defense and came to prominence as a computer technology designer, having won three Magnate Prizes.He left Aerilon after his 18th birthday turning his back on his family and his heritage. Finding the local dialect to be unpleasant, starting at the age of ten he trained himself to speak without the Aerilon accent in hopes that one day he might be considered as not coming from Aerilon. He was born and raised on a dairy farm outside of the town of Cuffle's Breath Wash. An amoral person who has always had his self-interests above all else, Baltar's actions have both saved and imperiled the Fleet and its survivors on numerous occasions throughout their exodus from the Colonies - an event that that he is ultimately responsible for allowing to occur. 148,000 BCEĭoctor Gaius Baltar is a brilliant scientist, legally-elected President of the Twelve Colonies of Kobol, and, later, a revered religious figure for the remnants of humanity. Gaius Baltarīorn on Aerilon, later relocated to Caprica For others with the same first name, see: Gaius (disambiguation).
#Galaxy fighters baltard series
For the Original Series analogue, see: Baltar (TOS).