The camera pans out to reveal that the frog kids was just a picture on the fridge and the real kids are hurrying to get ready.) (Camera fade to the frog kids seemingly ready. (The scene below this line is cut from the Leapster version). Frog: (offscreen, but shown in the Leapster version) Okay, let's get in the car. (Fade from black as we pan to the Frog Family's home, we zoom to the front door.)

The camera pan out to reveal that the frog kids was just a picture on the fridge and the real kids are hurrying to get ready) (The Frog Kids complain while Mom buttons her husband's shirt then they line up).Leap, Lily and Tad: We're ready! (their parents smile and they head to the garage).(on the door of the garage there are words reading "POOH'S ADVENTURES OF LEAPFROG PRESENTS: THE LETTER FACTORY".Frog: Everyone ready to help out with your father's big letter presentation? Frog: Here we are, at the Letter Factory! They pass by a truck that honks its horn and then arrive at the Letter Factory and park at a space in an alphabet-styled parking lot, but in the Leapster version, the drive was shortened a bit) The door opens and the car drives away from home as "The LeapFrog Learning Overture" plays and the opening credits appear. Frog: Fortunately we have the most talented letters in the whole world. (On the sign of the factory, we see the letters in "LETTER" with faces).įrog: Well, Tad, our letters are the only letters in the world that can speak.That's important, Tad, because when letters make sounds, they work together to make words. Sign Letters: (they sing the whole word) Letter!.In the Factory/Pooh, Piglet, Rabbit, Tigger, and Everyone meets Tad Frog: Now, I know you might be asking yourself, what do we do with all these letters? Frog leading his family through the factory. Leap helps hang up a banner that says “The Letter Factory,” and Mrs. A picture of a thick blue book appears on the screen.) Frog: Just push this button and you’ll see. Frog: Ah, the Websley Alphabet Book, which contains every single letter of the alphabet. It is revealed that the book is being held by a silhouetted figure. Frog: And this is the book’s publisher: Mr. Websley!Ī dramatic sting plays (dun dun dun!) as Mr. This is a running gag throughout the LeapFrog movies.
Websley (On the TV screen): The Websley Alphabet Book is filled with all the letters of the alphabet. Websley that he needs to make a talking alphabet book! Do you know what he needs for that book? Talking alphabet leap frog tv# Websley is coming around, to see our letters and hear their sounds~

Websley is one of the most important letter users in the world! Frog: Yes, He’s getting a special tour and then a big presentation. Kids, Mr. Leap: And now, I’d like to introduce the big man who will be leading this factory tour… Dad! Leap slides in with a barbershop hat, cane and microphone. Frog: Yes, We’re proud of the fact that we make the best letters in the world! Frog pulls up in a whimsical looking tram/golf cart like vehicle. He stands up and loses his balance, falling backwards and knocking over some paint cans. Websley (O.S): Well? Where is everybody? I get very grumpy if I have to wait for anything. Websley - where letters make exactly the right sound! Please hop aboard for your special tour. Websley: This better be good… letters that make sounds.

Frog: Uh, Leap, Lily… if you two could keep an eye on Tad, that’d be great. Frog and Lily cringe in pain at the loud mic feedback. Frog in the driver’s seat of the golf cart, starting the tour.